Part 2 of 3: Less Than 20 Things for Your Moving Checklist
In Part 1 of this mini blog series, you should have gone through most of your household belongings and separated and organized them into piles you donate, sell, trash, etc.
Part 2 consists of making a moving checklist.
If you know your moving date is months away, I suggest you do the following:
__ 1. Make a list of everything you pay for. (e.g. monthly memberships, magazines, Internet, cell phone, insurance, electricity, water, trash) I recommend you list them vertically on a spreadsheet or something similar.
__ 2. Find the contact information for the items listed in Step 1. Write down the information
__ 3. Decide when you will contact each company and cancel or transfer services and update your address. If your list is lengthy and you don't want to do it all in one sitting, break it up into two different hours or two different days.
__ 4. Update your account information on the day you designated in Step 3.
__ 1. Have your vehicle serviced. This is probably necessary if you're moving out of state or across state. If you're only moving 25 miles away, it's probably fine if you don't service your vehicle.
__ 2. Plan your meals for the next two weeks.
__ 3. Drain any oil or gasoline from lawn equipment, etc.
__ 4. Empty and defrost your refrigerator at least 24 hours before you move.
__ 5. Fill any prescriptions you need.
__ 6. Confirm your travelling and moving arrangements. This might include travelling arrangements for your pets or confirming with a friend to borrow a truck or confirming with a moving company.
__ 1. Leave any information that might be needed for the person moving in after.
__ 2. Take photos of your new home. (e.g. exterior, each room) This will be good for documenting before and after for decorating purposes or for upgrades made to the home.
__ 3. Clean your new home.
__ 4. Make sure everything works and functions properly. (e.g. light fixtures, faucets, shower)
__ 5. Pick up any mail.
__ 6. Pick up any food or drinks for you and your moving crew! Water is always good for you and your moving crew. Be sure to hydrate and eat!
__ 1. Designate a drawer or file to keep your moving documents in one location. You can also store your photos of your new home in the drawer/file too. Or if you aren't a fan of paper, upload your files to Google Drive or Dropbox. Scan your items quickly using CamScanner or Tiny Scanner.
__ 2. Update your driver's license, voter registration information, etc.
__ 3. Enjoy your new home! Enjoy this new chapter of your life! And don't forget to let your friends and family know where your new home is!
If you are moving on short notice, adjust the timeline accordingly. Perhaps change six weeks to six days before moving.
Do you find this list helpful? What would you add to this list? Tell me about your moving experiences!
Visit Part 1 of this series:
Part 1 of 3: What brings you joy?
Part 2 consists of making a moving checklist.
If you know your moving date is months away, I suggest you do the following:
__ 1. Make a list of everything you pay for. (e.g. monthly memberships, magazines, Internet, cell phone, insurance, electricity, water, trash) I recommend you list them vertically on a spreadsheet or something similar.
__ 2. Find the contact information for the items listed in Step 1. Write down the information
__ 3. Decide when you will contact each company and cancel or transfer services and update your address. If your list is lengthy and you don't want to do it all in one sitting, break it up into two different hours or two different days.
__ 4. Update your account information on the day you designated in Step 3.
Example spreadsheet/table. |
__ 1. Have your vehicle serviced. This is probably necessary if you're moving out of state or across state. If you're only moving 25 miles away, it's probably fine if you don't service your vehicle.
__ 2. Plan your meals for the next two weeks.
__ 3. Drain any oil or gasoline from lawn equipment, etc.
__ 4. Empty and defrost your refrigerator at least 24 hours before you move.
__ 5. Fill any prescriptions you need.
__ 6. Confirm your travelling and moving arrangements. This might include travelling arrangements for your pets or confirming with a friend to borrow a truck or confirming with a moving company.
__ 1. Leave any information that might be needed for the person moving in after.
__ 2. Take photos of your new home. (e.g. exterior, each room) This will be good for documenting before and after for decorating purposes or for upgrades made to the home.
__ 3. Clean your new home.
__ 4. Make sure everything works and functions properly. (e.g. light fixtures, faucets, shower)
__ 5. Pick up any mail.
__ 6. Pick up any food or drinks for you and your moving crew! Water is always good for you and your moving crew. Be sure to hydrate and eat!
__ 1. Designate a drawer or file to keep your moving documents in one location. You can also store your photos of your new home in the drawer/file too. Or if you aren't a fan of paper, upload your files to Google Drive or Dropbox. Scan your items quickly using CamScanner or Tiny Scanner.
__ 2. Update your driver's license, voter registration information, etc.
__ 3. Enjoy your new home! Enjoy this new chapter of your life! And don't forget to let your friends and family know where your new home is!
If you are moving on short notice, adjust the timeline accordingly. Perhaps change six weeks to six days before moving.
Do you find this list helpful? What would you add to this list? Tell me about your moving experiences!
Visit Part 1 of this series:
Part 1 of 3: What brings you joy?
Other articles on moving:
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