Thinking of selling your home? Here are some things to consider...
#1. COST may equal VALUE to you the seller... but buyers don't care. At first this sounds harsh but think about it. If you were a buyer would you consider it your obligation to pay a seller 15k more because they upgraded their kitchen last week when the neighbors bought the identical kitchen and are not asking for 15k more?
The reason is because the market dictates the price buyers are willing to pay and not the cost you incurred to get the home upgraded. I know it doesn't feel fair but it is a reality you should be aware of.
Because of this... don't upgrade unless you KNOW you can recoup the investment on the sale. Ask a Realtor prior to starting the work.
#2. There is nothing magical about spring. Listing in the spring is something society created a story around. In fact, the magical time is a few weeks before spring because you will have less homes to compete with and the Spring buyers are typically already out buying. Notice listing signs go up one minute and come down a few days later? Exactly!
#3. Listing your home to far above what you really expect to get is usually a mistake. Even in competitive markets you should price your home based on what the market is indicating you can sell it for. Pick a price that is within reason and you will likely attract the largest buyer pool right off the bat.
#4. Don't list your own home. It is just not worth the liability risks you take on. Another downside is that buyers do not like dealing with homeowners. That's not a personal insult is just that our buyers constantly tell us that they feel awkward speaking to the homeowner.
Selling your home is a big financial decision. I made my entire career out of protecting those decisions. Please use caution before deciding to do it alone. Minimally hire a lawyer and consult an accountant.
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